If you've recently started using Click&Clean to clean your PC then you'll be happy to know that it has been added to the Windows Marketplace. The new version of this application will offer Windows Vista users one of the best and most reliable registry cleaners on the market. It offers a scanner, cleaner and scheduler for your PC, allowing you to keep an eye on your PC's health at all times. Not only does this application to help you keep your PC clean but it also helps keep Windows running smoothly.
What makes this application so good is that it scans through your system and does a comparison with other registry files for errors and outdated information. This means that if there are registry errors and invalid entries that could cause issues for your PC you can use Click&Clean to fix them. This is a great way to make sure that your PC is working as fast as possible without having to constantly worry about your PC. All it takes is a couple of minutes a day to keep your PC running well.
With Click&Clean you can fix problems that might come from an old driver that you no longer have installed, or a part of Windows that doesn't work. Not only can you clean out old errors, but you can also clean out other parts of your system, allowing you to perform more functions faster. This program is one of the most user friendly applications in the Marketplace, allowing you to quickly find and install it without a problem. You can choose to get it for free or for a small fee that is in line with what you would pay for other tools such as Registry Fix. Once you've downloaded Click&Clean you can install it quickly and easily and let it do its magic.